

O5 - Accreditation

One of the most important outcomes of Grandis XXI. project is the curriculum and the learning material of the online course “Connected Care of Older Adults” for VET students of social sector, for formal and informal caregivers working in social care of older adults.

The curriculum and the learning outcomes of the course were aligned to the educational initiatives of the European Union.


O4 - Online platform and pilots

In the 4th phase of the project, the online platform has been designed and set up in a Moodle environment.


O3 - Learning content development

The 3rd intellectual output is about developing the content for the 4 modules of the online course. 

Module 1 aims of improving the digital skills of caregivers. Participants will perform a self-assessment, and will go through selected parts of the module according to their actual level of digital literacy. Topics are based on 4 digital competencies: Information, Communication, Content Creation and Security.


O2 - Curriculum Development

The curriculum for the "Networked Elderly Caregiver" course was developed at the 3rd project meeting. During this work a top-down approach was implemented. Partners agreed on the standard content elements of the course modules. They also shared the view about creating motivating content and applying teaching methods that are most suitable for adult learners.

A blended training approach was chosen, that is an online course with contact hours to ensure maximum possible engagement of learners.


O1 - Training Needs of Caregivers

We addressed older people in 4 countries, including the UK, with an online questionnaire in order to identify their needs for ICT technologies that would improve their quality of life.

We also wanted to have an overall picture about how open they are to learning new skills that would enable them to join social networks in order to stay connected to family and friends, to be safe and independent at their own home and be active in the community for longer.
