Top 10 Social Networks for Seniors

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Stefanie Jeanne
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As of the most recent count, members of Facebook worldwide have exceeded the 500 million mark and are well on their way to hit 600 million. And if current First World statistics are to be relied on, it is safe to assume that a great chunk of those people belong to the demographic group whose age is 65 years old or older. In fact, analysts boldly claim that seniors comprise as high as 8 percent of all people who avidly use social networking sites, and for good reasons: seniors and the so-called baby boomers produce all this internet traffic to reconnect with old friends, to make new friends, or simply to share personal information and media files (photos, videos, music) with others. Such online social activities, doctors say, are also healthy—it keeps seniors mentally and socially vital.

Facebook, however, is not the only player in the field. In fact, the high numbers of seniors taking to online social networks have encouraged many an internet entrepreneur to launch web start-ups as their own attempt at taking a slice of this lucrative pie. Seniors are often retired, with money to burn. And it doesn’t hurt to target this paying demographic group. So what are the other “best” social networking sites designed to cater to seniors? The following are just the top 10.

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